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Medical Billing Services

Medical Billing is an essential component of healthcare management. Medical billing is a process in which providers receive compensation for their work by submitting claims to their patients’ insurance companies. The billing services are responsible for submitting, following up, and collecting payments for medical procedures, treatments, and services provided to patients. These services use coding systems to ensure accurate and timely payment from insurance companies and patients, helping healthcare providers receive proper reimbursement for their services.

What is RCM?

Every year, healthcare providers perform millions of procedures on their patients, from simple exams to complex surgeries. Healthcare systems must work with patients, physicians, and health insurance companies to generate revenue from these services. This process of revenue collection from a patient’s first appointment all the way through to the payor’s acceptance of final payment is called Revenue Cycle Management.

Difference between RCM and Medical Billing

While the term medical billing may limit the providers to receive compensation for their work via patients’ insurance companies, Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) summarizes all the processes involved in managing a healthcare provider's revenue. Our Billing Team can work with any EMR/EHR and have the expertise and experience to execute all aspects of RCM and be compatible with your current EMR/EHR.

Our Services

An expert team ensures timely claims preparation and expedites the overall process to ensure that medical practices get maximum reimbursements in less time. We are confident in our ability to provide superior billing services compared to in-house billing or even another service. We will collect more for you and you will have access to our billing staff directly to track and monitor your claims on a daily basis.

Medical billing with us means we will

Feature Rich Medical Billing Service

Reduced Denials

Reduced Denials

Each denial requires additional time and effort, which means more time & effort. We strive hard to avoid a denial in the first place and work harder to get them settled with insurance.

Increased Revenue

Enrollment Services

Increase your monthly revenue!!! We do our best to improve your monthly collection, simply by following best industrial practices starting from an overnight claim submission and professional diligence.

Bigger Savings

Dedicated Team

In contrast to a traditional Percentage-on-Collection pricing model, we have introduced multiple plans that offers great savings on billing expenses and can greatly help reduce billing expenses for a practice.

Dedicated Team

Dedicated Team

We believe that success depends on having the right people in your team. Our clients are assigned a dedicated team. We provide a professionally competitive environment for our staff, which in turn boosts their performance levels to the maximum.

Billing Transparency

Billing Transparency

Transparency begins when a patient can totally trust that providers provide efficient care at an optimal price. On our client's request, we can provide weekly & monthly reports which adds transparency to the overall process.

Multi-Specialty Billing

Multi-Specialty Billing

Since each medical specialty has its own coding rules and combinations set for reimbursements, your dedicated team will have an in-depth understanding of the governing rules/regulations and industry standards for a particular specialty.

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